Monday, October 26, 2009


Attention All Youth & Student Sunday School Teachers!!!
Here is an update on where we stand with this Wednesday night's Childrens Fall Festival games. If you are able to join us and would like to help, contact Marcus Mims today.

Fishing Booth - (9th-10th grade co-ed class)
Corn Hole - (6th & 7th grade boys class)
Bonfire & Smores - (11th grade co-ed class)
Cup-Cake Walk - (6th & 7th grade girls class)
Face Painting - (12th grade co-ed class)
Cookie Decorating - Tina B. & friends
Pumpkin Ring Toss -
Cow-a-Bunga Football Toss -
Apple Basket Free Throw -
Etc - If you have an idea, see Marcus!

If you have any questions regarding participation in or leading any of these stations, please contact Marcus at or 704-875-6581 ext. 15. Hope you are ready for some Good Ole Fashion F....U.....N!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ATTENTION YC Members & Youth Sunday School Teachers!!

SUPERDUPER HUGE-O Youth Leader Training
This leadership resource can generate some good conversation among our student ministry leadership. Let me know if there are any takers. This is a weekday and we would have to leave at the latest 4:30pm and return around 10:30pm. This will be FREE to our Student SS Teachers and High School YC members and a MEAL is included! The only cost to you is your time.

Date, Time & Location
Nov. 3 (Tuesday), 6-9pm, Wilkesboro Baptist Church
Meal Included -----Door Prizes & iPod Giveaway

Check your schedule and let me know by this Sunday if there are any takers. I am already registered. I will register any other takers. This can be a quick training trip that I believe can benifit our student ministry. The materials covered in the Sunday school training will be LifeWay; however, the strategies will be transferrable. Just let me know by Oct. 28th!!

Be.Do.Tell. ----The Student Ministry division of the NC State Convention presents this opportunity to receive some exciting and relevant training that will help student ministries. Training will be offered in the following areas: youth sunday school, youth missions, youth discipleship, youth worship, transitions after graduation, youth ministry planning. Check out all of the details of the breakout sessions below.

a. Making Student Disciples Through Sunday School Sunday School is a ministry strategy for making student disciples. Participants will take away ideas for making their student Sunday School a significant part of their churches "Disciple-making process".

b. Life-Changing Bible Study for Students "Where there is no involvement there is no learning." Participants will take away a simple, four step plan for building a life-changing Bible study that involves them in discovering biblical truths for themselves.

c. Drawing M.A.P.S. for Your Student Ministry Missions for Student Ministry in the 21 Century.

d. HELP! I Am Planning Our Mission Trip Student Mission Trip Planning From A to Z.

e. Transitions after Graduation Our students are about to graduate from high school. Now what? Do we just leave them alone to “find their own way” in college or the world? Does my ministry need to be involved with these life transitions?

f. Making the Most of Your Senior Year What do you do with those high school students who are seniors and ready to move on? How do you keep them engaged in a positive and meaningful way? Can these folks become coaches and mentors to other students?

g. Five Keys to Effective Youth Ministry In seeking to reach this generation for Christ there are five keys that will help youth leaders be more effective. These keys are: leadership, relevance, ministry opportunity, assimilation and spiritual health. Come discover ways to unlock effective youth ministry in your church.

h. Tattoos, Technology and Toe Rings Current statistics and trends about this generation. How are we going to reach them for Christ?

i. Making the Band: Growing a Student-Led Praise Band The session will focus on the basics for beginning a praise band and taking it to the next level for worship leadership.

j. Made for Worship: Returning to the Heart of Youth Music The session will emphasize leading youth to understand the difference between musical worship and simply musical performance. For all leaders, soloists, and ensembles – vocal and instrumental.

[Price: $10.00 per person (meal included) ---- This will be covered for our student leadership!]

Monday, October 19, 2009

3-on-3 Tournament Results

What a great start to an annual basketball tournament for world hunger! The weather was chilly and sunny. Some community turned out to have a great afternoon at North Meck Park full of competition and world hunger support. $227 was raised not to include the gracious donation of the park's usage. Kudos to Huntersville Parks & Recreation!! The community fellowship alone was priceless!

Congrats to Jacob Rivera for owning the free throw & the 3-point competition. Garren Thomas walked home with the half-court trophy. Congratulations also goes out to the "Iron Starz" & "The Tigers" for winning the 1st place trophies in the 1st & 2nd brackets. This year's prizes were 2 UNCC anytime tickets per person, Bobcat t-shirts, Chick-fil-a coupons, trophies and bragging rights! Of course the real reward was knowing that some individuals who wouldn't have food on their do! To God be the Glory!!

More Kudos go out to the Charlotte 49ers Athletics which donated all those great basketball tickets, the Awards North for their donation of the wonderful trophies & the Chick-Fil-A in Huntersville for their generous donation of meal coupons. You all ROCK!!

A SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Tatum, Garren Thomas, Andrew Danner, John Novak, Rob Stephens, David Hartman, Aaron Adams & Arturo Moreno. Your involvement helped make this event successful!


Hooked on Nascar with first lap!
Good think?
What a show by Toby Mac & crew!!

Need speedway seat directions? Ask these two experts!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Upward Basketball Evaluations Need Youth Helpers

Upward Basketball evaluations are occurring next week (Oct. 19, 20, 22) at LNBC from 6-9pm. Garren Thomas, the First Baptist Church coordinator for Upward, is looking for youth assistance (10th - 12th grade). Contact Garren directly if you are will and able to help.


If you wish to attend this event with the FBC youth, tonight will be the last plug Marcus will make for it. He calls in the numbers in the morning. They leave from the church at 11am and return to the church around 9:30pm. The concert(s) will run from 2-6:30pm and the race will begin at 7:30pm. This schedule will allow traffic going to the track, tailgating (bring $ or food for lunch/supper), concert(s) and then an hour & 1/2 of the race. Cost is only $30.

Charlotte - Oct 17! TobyMac, Mercy Me, Fee & Robert Pierre invade Lowe's Motor Speedway! 4 Great Bands & 500 miles of Excitement!

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

We need teams to sign-up for this event. Contact your friends and get them aboard today! This is going to be a whole lot of fun. The weather also looks like its going to be pretty. So get busy drumming up business among your peers for this basketball extravaganza at North Meck Park and help us reduce hunger!

Preparing for the Children's HARVEST FESTIVAL - Oct. 28th

I hope everyone has begun to choose a game station for our Children's Harvest Festival which they will be responsible for on Oct. 28 from 6-7:30pm. This year our youth will sponsor the Harvest Festival. The Youth Council felt the Sunday school classes would be the best route to facilitate this event and began spreading the word last Sunday for station assignments. The most recent station ideas were the fishing booth, cookie decorating, cup-cake walk, Bing-bag toss, face painting, etc. If your Sunday school class has decided on a station they would like to be responsible for, please contact Marcus as soon as possible at Remember to contact the church office to make your supper reservations (hot dog meal) if you plan to eat at the church.